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Monday, July 11, 2011

Google AdSense Tips

Sub­se­quent to my AdSense items from yes­ter­day today are a few ran­dom tips and tips for Google AdSense.
Again, I would like to pref­ace that these tips are not a panacea and always and every­where to work. One must also test here are first and pos­si­bly the best look­ing out for themselves.
If you have more tips, I would be glad if you write this in the comments.
Google AdSense Tips
AdSense not hide in col­umn 
AdSense ads will be paid not to Views, but for clicks. It is there­fore impor­tant that as the ads each vis­i­tor con­sciously per­ceived.
So hid­ing your AdSense blocks on your right side or bot­tom, but builds the code where it is seen. The begin­ning and the end of con­tri­bu­tions has to me always works well.
first ad with high­est click rates 
Accord­ing to Google the ads with the high­est click rates in the first occur­ring in the code are put AdSense block.
This block was the most promi­nently placed AdSense unit and should not be hid­ing some­where right in the column.
Adsense in Con­tent 
Very well worked for me How­ever, the incor­po­ra­tion of AdSense blocks sit­u­ated works in posts. You can either do it by hand with the plu­gin “AdSense Deluxe” or eg auto­mat­i­cally with the plu­gin “AdSense Injec­tion”.
I use the for­mer, since one has to sim­ply hand over con­trol of the position.
Up to 3 AdSense ads 
Google allows up to 3 AdSense text ad units per page. If you have enough text in its con­tent, this should also use and place one ad in the begin­ning, mid­dle and end of his con­tri­bu­tions.
If you have only short news arti­cles, you should not annoy his read­ers, and only 2 or an AdSense block installed.
Link Color 
For most blogs and web­sites blue for the AdSense links will work best. Blue is the color of a trained link for “nor­mal” Inter­net users.
AdSense Tem­plates 
Pro­vided by Google AdSense tem­plates are not rec­om­mended. Try to match the ads to the lay­out of your blog or your site so that the AdSense blocks can not be rec­og­nized from the very cor­ner of my eye as advertising.
1 item = one topic 
Lim­ited per you post on a topic as pos­si­ble. The more focused the arti­cle is more appro­pri­ate to the AdSense ads are.
Define Analy­sis Area 
In this con­text it is also impor­tant to the analy­sis of the page for the Google AdSense Crawler limit.
With the com­mands “<- google_ad_section_start -> and <- google_ad_section_end ->” Google says that only the text between them are cru­cial for the ads.
You can either make in his Word­Press theme itself or as the Word­Press plu­gin wpSEO * use these tags auto­mat­i­cally sets before and after the arti­cle text.
bad block ads 
Not all ads in Google AdSense blocks are really seri­ous. There­fore, one should con­sider whether to fil­ter out cer­tain ads domains.
There are in the Google AdSense account is an option. A list of dubi­ous ads find for exam­ple here, and I got blocked only part of it. But you have to your­self that it blocks all those URLs.
Many blog­gers, includ­ing I myself, found that by this fil­ter­ing and the click prices have risen. So it’s worth some­thing “clean up”.
Watch Show 
You should also see time at your recent arti­cles, the ads. Do many dif­fer­ent ads or the ads are repeated often? Or dive even more on just 1 or 2 ads in a 4 ad block.
This may mean that this sub­ject / these key­words are hardly adver­tis­ers. So rather put the arti­cle top­ics and key­words that bring more ads and there­fore more com­pe­ti­tion and higher click prices.
View chan­nels use 
It is very impor­tant to use a chan­nel for each ad. This sim­ply means that you can take the sta­tis­tics in Google AdSense account for the dif­fer­ent chan­nels and see it sep­a­rately for each ad. In con­trast, a com­par­i­son of each ad is hardly possible.
Text ads are more effec­tive than image ads 
Most blog­gers report that they are clear in text ads, more clicks than AdSense image ads.
I can only con­firm. So watch out for the pro­duc­tion of ads to click “text only ads.
If any­one has any other expe­ri­ence, I am pleased with a comment.
More traf­fic = more clicks? 
More traf­fic is of course always a good thing first. Is it pos­si­ble to keep the click rate, then of course, increase the clicks on AdSense.
How­ever, traf­fic does not equal traf­fic. Blogt you through pop­u­lar and (I may say so) adult themes, then I sup­pose you get a lot of traf­fic, but the own click prices (and cer­tainly the rep­u­ta­tion of their own blogs) suffer.
Basi­cally, but more traf­fic is also good for the AdSense revenue.
AdSense ads are imme­di­ately vis­i­ble 
Also falling back to the “do not hide adver­tis­ing”. When the first AdSense unit is imme­di­ately seen after load­ing the page, also heard the click opportunities.
As few other links 
I have even noticed this first­hand. The more other links are avail­able, the lower in gen­eral, the CTR of the AdSense ads.
Before I had my new lay­out, my CTR was almost twice as high as now. Now I have already sig­nif­i­cantly more links and vis­i­tors so that more alter­na­tives.
There­fore, so-called “AdSense Themes includ­ing opti­mized to have just as few links in the header.
The vis­i­tor should per­ceive the AdSense links as pos­si­ble first.

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